"When all of the other fairies are tucked up in bed, Finley the Fairy sneaks out of her tree house, travels through the dark forest, and ventures into town. She finds a welcoming home, and with a little help from a garden gnome, she flutters inside. As the humans sleep peacefully in their beds, Finley explores their home. She has a quick snack from the pantry, she paints a picture with glitter, she plays with the human’s toys, and she even completes a few household chores. But as soon as the sun rises, Finley must head back to the forest before the humans and the other fairies wake from their slumber.
Can she make it back in time without being noticed? And where will her next adventure take her?" -Readers' Choice Review Excerpt
Available in paperback and hardcover.
Finley the Fairy
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Finley the Fairy
Buying directly from the website includes a signed book + environmentally friendly magic fairy dust!